A Trio of Butters

For our Spring Grand TUA (The University of Avacal) feast, we decided to serve a trio of butters to go with the fresh-baked bread provided by the Borealis Culinary Guild. I’m not really sure what the period accuracy is of serving flavored butters with bread; however, it’s an absolute SCA Read more…

Pie Night

On March 14th, we held pie night. (It was Pi Day, so we thought it was appropriate. Everybody brought a redacted pie recipe – offerings ranged from a (quite horrible) rice tart to delicious, honey-drizzled sweets in thin pastry.

Pygge Night

The theme of February’s culinary night was the noble pygge – everything had to either be made from pork, look like pork, or go well with pork. We got a huge variety of dishes, from authentically cured bacon (very different than our modern fatty streaky bacon!) to a marzipan pig’s Read more…