I enjoy getting to write letters in period style, the formulaic method that was used makes it easy to transform an invitation to the Crown into something that adds to the game.

Here are three letters I’ve written in the past by taking letters from about the same time period and utilizing the same formula in an SCA context. The letters were then given to those with a much better hand than mine to write out.

An invitation to the King and Queen of An Tir to attend an event I was running:

To Ieuan Dei Gracia Rex An Tir et Viscomes Tir Righ et dominus Aquilon, and Gweneth Dei Gracia Regina An Tir et Viscomitessa Tir Righ.

Your faithful subjects of Lionsdale wishing to observe their oaths and the fidelity due to God and to you, wish health, and tender their lawful service with all respect and honour. To this we desire for you to attend our Winter’s Tourney the Saturday following the celebration of the Presentation of our Lord (February 4th AS XLVI) that we may render our thanks unto you for being our sovereigns.

At Lionsdale, on the 15 day of January in the XLVI Year of the Society.

Lord Tomas de Courcy

An invitation to the incoming Prince of Tir Righ to an event I was running:

Right worshipful and my right especial Tanist, Ulf, the heir to the throne of Tir Righ, I recommend me to your good lordship.

To the right high and mighty Excellency and my right good and gracious lord, the Tanist of Tir Righ, meekly beseech I Tomas deCourcy that it might please your Excellency to attend to my poor words.  In the year of our society XLII, on the XV of June, and continuing until the XVII of that same month, also known as the feast of Saint Botolph, there is to be a grand tournament held in the Shire of Lionsdale.  Among the festivities and competitions during the tournament shall be Armoured Combat, Missile Combat, Archery, Thrown Weapons, and Bardic.  We entreat your Excellency to attend and participate in this yearly occasion should it please your Excellency, and await your reply.

No more unto your Excellency at this time but I beseech Almighty God send you and all yours good health prosperity and joy as ever had any of my lords and your ancestors.  Written at Lionsdale the 3 of March.

Per your Servant

Lord Tomas de Courcy

A request to vie for a championship in Aquaterra:

To Þe gode and gracyous Mastress Rosamund of the Misty Meadows, by Þe grace of God, Baronesse of Aquaterra, membre of Þe Ordre of the Pellicane.  I recomaunde me to yowre excellencie, youre devoted servaunt Tomas de Courcy wisches her a happi life and an encres of her glorious reputacioun. 

Having herde of Þe grettenes of yowre excellencie and of yowre baronie I requeste Þe honour of beyng accepten to Þe lists of combate, vien for Þe office of Champyon of Rappyer.  I have conferred withe my liges their excellencies, Þe Baron and Baronesse Lions Gate and have opteyned Þair permision to enter rappyer champyon tournais an those to whome I swere seruice and fewte accept me.  Thay have seide that my fewte to theym nede nat infring on mi fensyng, as it xall nat stoppe me from my duetees as Þair defendour of arte and scyence.  

Bi entering youre lists I entende to acorde mee self withe honour for Þe glorie of Aquaterra and An Tir.  And plegge that if I wyn I xal serue with honour and swere my fewte to you, Baronesse Aquaterra, to serue in al thinges fensyng for Þe duracioun of mi terme. 

No more vnto yowre excellencie at Þis tyme bot I byseke Almighti God send you and alle yowrs goode helthe prosperite and joie as eure hadde eny of my lordis and yowre aunsetrys. Wryttin at Lionsdale Þe 12 of Marche in Þe yher of our societe XLIV. 

Per youre servaunt 

Lorde Tomas de Courcy 

Defendour of Arte and Scyence for Þe Barony of Lions Gate 

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