Baked Venison: Fresh and Preserved
This was done for the Barony of Lions Gate A&S Defenders competition in February 2010. The competition was that your entry had to be related to your persona, and you needed one page of documentation to show that. I made Baked Venison and Cameline Sauce. I made two kinds of Baked Venison, one with salted venison and one with fresh. I served them with a cameline sauce. Here are the highlights of my entry:
When looking for a baked venison, or venison pie, recipe I found seven different recipes, sometimes from the same cookbook, spanning from 1393 till 1596. I have arranged them in order with my commentary here.
DEER VENISON. As this meat is tougher than fawn or goat, it must be parboiled and larded all along it: and in cooking, it must be put in plenty of wine, and when partly cooked, ground mace added; and it must be eaten with cameline. – Item, in pastry, let it be parboiled, larded along its length, and eaten cold with cameline. (Pichon)