Sealion War
We had a great event this past weekend.
I was running the Arts and Sciences competition and competing in the rapier war. Upon arriving I talked to a friend of mine, Lord Kerry, who is one of Baroness Caitrin’s Sergants. We were talking about my heavy armour being almost done, and he offered to loan me the extra pieces. So I agreed, picked up my armour and we were good to go. The Heavy war was up first on the saturday.
I had a blast as a pikeman. I have a few favorite moments from the heavy war. The first one was when I hit a friend of mine in the stomach during the bridge battle; it was a friend of mine who is also a fencer. My next great moment was fighting beside Baron while we fought another knight and a few more. Another great moment was towards the end of the last battle. We had essentially won victory and were mopping up the last of the Segirtians when I saw their Baron Ming. He was legged and the only other fighters near us were archers. I called out for single combat with him. I managed to stay alive for about two minutes, which was more than I, or anyone else expected. A knight took my place and slew the baron.